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Creators of popular app game, “Angry Birds,” filed a Notice of Opposition to a Korean chicken restaurant’s trademark application for their brand, “Angry Chicken” based in Colorado. You might be thinking that a restaurant and a mobile game app are not related in the slightest, but did you know that Angry Birds launched into the food market in 2017 and actually sells several edible products? Since the Angry Birds brand has gained such international attention, and now sells products such as snack foods, cake toppers, sauces, and candy decorations, there may be a likelihood of confusion between their brand and the chicken shop. If the Angry Birds creators can prove that their logo looks similar to Angry Chicken – they may have an even better case.

Just last year Angry Birds also sued a Nashville-style hot chicken restaurant called “Angry Birdz” for trademark infringement. In that case, the two logos were eerily similar. “Angry Birdz” ended up having to change their name to “The Angry Chicks.” The hot chicken market doesn’t stand a chance!

Had the “Angry Chicken” restaurant been in business prior to the Angry Birds launch into the food market in 2017, they would likely have a strong case in their favor. In 2012, Angry Birds sued chicken flavored chip snack brand, “Angry Bites.” Although they had similar packaging, Angry Birds was unable to establish a “reasonable likelihood of confusion” and this is likely due to the fact that they had not yet entered the food market.

Article by Mandie Capozzelli



