(713) 364-4796

It’s #SmallBusinessShoutOut time!  Today we want to show some love to Own Your Voice.

Own Your Voice is an innovative, conscious awareness strategy firm, whose goal is to leverage thought leaders in the market by facilitating the development of your personal brand identity.

Sahar and her team have extensive backgrounds with specific experience related to helping businesses be seen and remembered due to their personal style and deliverance.

Madan Law has personally met with and been coached by Sahar.  Through this coaching, we gained insightful knowledge on how to incorporate who we are into every aspect of how we operate our office and business, and how we portray our value and who we are to every single one of our clients.

If you would like to gain knowledge and insight on how to create a consistent presence of your brand for the world to see, click here to learn more about OYV.




