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Image from ESPN.com

After a recent move to the Buccaneers, Tom Brady through his company, TEB Capital Management, Inc., has decided to celebrate this new career move with two different trademark filings for “Tompa Bay” and “Tampa Brady.”  Both these marks are obviously plays on the location of Tampa, Florida and Brady’s name, and will be used on goods like clothing, headwear, and footwear according to the trademark filings.

These filings are actually the second and third filings Brady has filed since he has left the New England Patriots.  The first filing was on March 20, 2020 for “TB x TB” for which Brady and his team are now selling “TB12 Tampa Bay” T-shirts on the online store.

Let’s hope the GOAT (known as the “Greatest of all time,” to some) Brady is more successful with getting this mark than he was with his “Tom Terrific” trademark, which was denied in 2019 due to confusion and similarity with the former nickname of the New York Mets baseball pitcher, Tom Seaver.  “Although Tom Seaver is not connected with the goods with the goods provided by applicant under the applied-for mark, Tom Seaver is so well-known that consumers would presume a connection,” the USPTO said in the statement.

We guess Brady can’t win them all!

Article by Carissa Chow